
FREE SHIPPING on all domestic orders over $24.95 (USPS 1st class)

We can ship to virtually any address in the world including APO's. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations.

The following are transit times which do not include order processing time.

USPS First Class Mail 5-14 days (estimated)*

  • Orders less than $24.95 are $3.95 shipping

USPS Priority Mail 3-5 days (estimated)*

  • Flat Rate of $7.95

Fedex 2nd Day air (Guaranteed) Weekday delivery only.

  • Special Flat Rate of only $12.95.

Fedex Next Day air (Guaranteed) Weekday delivery only.

  • Flat Rate of $49.95

*Due to increased shipping volume USPS tracking may take longer to update during transit.

International Shipments

APC Postal Logistics
Track your international packages here:
  • Flat Rate of $65.00
  • 1-4 weeks (varies by delivery location)
  • Delivers to all countries

*Canadian customers may receive a rate of $12.95 if you call and place a phone order.

This economical service offers consistent and reliable delivery for less time-sensitive materials